We move to Deleware, another solid Democratic state that will likely be Democratic in every category except in the House, where Incumbant Mike Castle isn't likely to face much of a challenge. In the Senate, Joe Biden has no challengers at the moment, but even if he did, wouldn't have any reason to sweat. Delware has an open Governor race this year, but again the Democrat should breeze by any Republican challenger.
Status: Solid Democrat
Electoral Votes: 3
Head to Head Polls: None
Status: Strong Democrat
Incumbant: Joe Biden (D-I)
Challengers: None
Head to Head Polls: None
House- No competitive House races
District At-Large: Mike Castle (R)-inc (currently unopposed)
Governor- Open
Status: Strong Dem Hold
DEM Candidates: John Carney, Jr., Jack Markell, Frank Infante
GOP Candidates: Mike Protack