
Indiana is and will remain a solid GOP state in 2008. Mitch Daniels, Jr. is running for re-election this year in the Governor race, and suprisingly he may have a bit of touble for a while keeping his seat. Not for long though, he should win by a close but comfortable margin, I'll rate it a Weak GOP Hold for now.



Status: Solid Republican
Electoral Votes: 11
Head to Head Polls: None


Senate- No Senate Race in 2008


House- No competitive House Races

District 1: Peter Visclosky (D-I) vs. ??? (R)
District 2: Joseph Donnelly (D-I) vs. ??? (R) - possibly competitive
District 3: Mark Souder? (R-I) vs. Mike Montagano (D)
District 4: Stephen Buyer (R-I) vs. ??? (D)
District 5: Dan Burton? (R-I) vs. ??? (D)
District 6: Mike Pence (R-I) vs. Barry Welsh (D)
District 7: Andre Carson (D-I) vs. Jon Elrod (R)
District 8: Brad Ellsworth (D-I) vs. ??? (R)
District 9: Baron Hill? (D-I) vs. Mike Sodrel? (R) - possibly competitive



Status: Weak GOP Hold
Incumbant: Mitch Daniels, Jr (R)
DEM Challenger: Jill Long Thompson
Head to Head Polls: None