South Carolina

South Carolina seems to be giving Barack Obama a chance as some recent polls go. But let's be realistic...McCain will win this state, and all incumbants will take the victory in this state.


Status: Solid GOP
Electoral Votes: 8
Head to Head:



Status: Solid GOP Hold

Incumbant: Lindsay Graham (R)
Challenger(s): Michael Cone (D), Bob Conley (D)



Competititve house races: None

District 1: Henry Brown, Jr.? (R-I) vs. ??? (D)
District 2: Joe Wilson? (R-I) vs. ??? (D)
District 3: Gresham Barrett (R-I) vs. Jane Dyer (D)
District 4: Bob Inglis? (R-I) vs. ??? (D)
District 5: John Spratt, Jr. (D-I) vs. Albert Spencer (R)
District 6: Jim Clyburn (D-I) vs. Nancy Harrelson (R)


Governor- No race in 2008